2 Stinky The Stinky Street Stories

Alex Ratt
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There was a smell on Stinky Street…and it was awfully, abominably odorous.

From smelly sewers to pongy penguins, there’s always a rotten reek on Stinky Street.

So put some pickles up your nose and join Brian and his friend Nerf for a brand-new series of revoltingly runk, truly toxious and sickeningly smell-odorous adventures.

About the Author

Alex Ratt is the pen name of the similarly hilarious but far more fragrant Frances Watts, whose picture books include Goodnight Mice! (ill. Judy Watson), winner of the 2012 Prime Minister’s Award for Children’s Fiction; 2008 Children’s Book Council of Australia award-winner Parsley Rabbit’s Book about Books (ill. David Legge) and the international bestseller Kisses for Daddy (ill. David Legge).

Frances is also the author of a fantasy/adventure series, the Gerander Trilogy, and the medieval Sword Girl series (ill. Gregory Rogers) as well as two historical YA novels, one of which – The Peony Lantern – was shortlisted for a NSW Premier’s Literary Award in 2016.

The Stinky Street Stories and The Stinky Street Stories: 2 Stinky are the first books under her pen name Alex Ratt, illustrated by Jules Faber.

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