Bargain Book Buys

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Our staff spend all day selecting books that are both beautifully produced and great value. With close to 4000 books on the site and more added everyday it can take a long time to find the book you are looking for. Here are a few tips to make your time on our site more enjoyable and productive.

If you are looking for a specific book, use the search bar or the magnifying glass image and type in any of the following – ISBN, Title or Author

If you are looking for books on a general topic, for e.g. junior fiction, animals or cooking etc, then type it in and a selection of books will fill your screen.

If you are looking for books that are age appropriate simply type in the age of the child e.g. 3+. This will bring up a selection of titles suitable for that age group.

For a quick look around the site, use our scroll bars below or click on one of the category buttons.